1. Installation
First you need to buy the game World Of Warcraft: Wrath Of The Lich KIng. Then install just by following the instructions that are with the disk. Aftert complete the installation you need to go to game folder and open Launcher.exe. In the top frame of the window that opened will write the patch of your game. It should be 3.3.5, if it’s not the game will start updating. Upadete it to 3.3.5. If it’s already 3.3.5 you need to close the window and don’t update more! For future you must open the game from Wow.exe in the game folder.
2. Choosing Server
The next step is to choose a server to play on it. The official sever of the game is Blizzard, but if you want to play there you must pay 18$ monthly. Also there are many private servers. You can see them in the site www.xtremetop100.com. There are shown only the servers with voting system. Voating system means that every player on the server have the right to vote for it once at every 12 hours. When a player votes for his server he get voting points for it. Depending on the server with these voting points you can buy things in the game like items or other stuffs. The server in xtremetop100 are classified by the votes for them. It’s preferable to choose server with many votes for it, because many votes means high pupulation. You need server with atleast 300 hundred people on it, couse it is almost imposible to play on low pupulated server.
One of the best private servers are: Gamer-District, Molten-Wow and Arena-Tournament. Arena-Tournament is PVP server (it stress on fighting between players) and I don’t recommend it for beginners . Molten-Wow and Gamer-District are PVE servers (They stress on developing your character) they are good for beginners, because there you will learn how to develop a good character and after that you can play on PVP server good. I want to say that in PVE server you can play PVP, but usually in PVP server you can’t play PVE. There you have vendors and from them you can buy everything that you need. But you will be really confused if you start to play there.
Gamer-District is very good server, many people play on it and it is almosly without any bugs. Molten-Wow for third year is rank 1 in the classation of www.xtremetop100.com, but now on him play so many people that you need to wait atleast 20 minutes to can enter in the game.
There are also and so called Custom servers. It is really not recommended to play in these servers cause, they are full with bugs and a big part of the game is modified by the preferances of the server’s administrator.
3. Connect to the server
The next step is to make a registration on your server’s web site. You can find it simple by clicking on his banner in www.xtremetop100.com. Mostly PVP servers aren’t in the list of www.xtremetop100.com, here are the web adresses of some of them: www.arena-tournament.com, www.zhyper-wow.com, www.wow-temple.com.
It is important when you make a registration to give a valid email! After the registration the server will send you letter for confirmation.
Then you have to enter in the game directory>Data>enUS and to change with Notepad a fail called realmlist.wtf. There is code that indicate to wich server you will play. Change the code there with the realmlist of your server (it is usually shown on his web site). For example “set realmlist wow.gamer-district.org“ or “set realmlist logon.arena-tournament.com”, withouth the quotation marks. If you shall play on blizzard it isn’t necessary to change the realmlist, but if you have played on other server before you need to change it on “set realmlist us.logon.worldofwarcraft.com”. When you changing realmlist wow.exe must be closed.
When you start the game there will be 2 boxes that you have to fill to log in e-mail and password. On the email boz you shouldn't write your e-mail you should write your username.
After your first log in you will be invited to choose a realm (they are seperated servers). Diffrent realms are usually similiar, the diffrence between them depends on the server. They have one major difference - the rates. From rates depeneds how fast your character will grow in the game for beginners its good to start on low rates. So like one realm and you are ready to go.