1. Description
A spell is the caster's stock-in-trade. Spells are magic incantations or effects conjured up by whatever game mechanism the developers allowed. Supposedly modeled after fantasy, myth, and legend, spells have various effects. Spells can do different kinds of damage, or healing. They can also cause beneficial effects like buffs on friendly characters, or harmful effects like debuffs on hostile mobs.
2. Druid Spells
Druid abilities are wide-ranging, enabling one to specialize in any of the main roles in the game. Balance spells deal nature damage, restoration spells heal and provide support and feral combat abilities can be specialized for either tanking or melee damage.
Being shapeshifted is automatically removed if you attempt to cast a spell or ability not designated to your current form. There are times when switching forms is advantageous regardless what action is taking place. This is because switching between any form to another will automatically break any immobilizing or polymorph effects such as: Snare, Root, and Polymorph.
As of Patch 3.0.3, Bear Form, Cat Form, Travel Form, Aquatic Form, Flight Form, and Swift Flight Form are all available to learn from a trainer. Moonkin Form and Tree of Life Form are acquired through talents in the Balance and Restoration trees respectively. Feral abilities are only usable when in Bear Form or Cat Form with some exclusively available to either form.
On the Balance talents you should cast harmful spells only in yourf moonkin form, because its benefit your spell power. The simplest rotation is always to keep Moonfire and Insect Swarm DoTs on your target, after this continue with wrath. From time to time while casting wrath you will recive a beneficial effect (require talent points on it), which will increase your critical chance with starfire. When this happens start casting only starfire. After the effect past continue to casting startfire to get the other beneficial effect (again from these talents), that will increase your damage done with wrath. When you get this use only wrath. Each of these effects can't happen more than once in 30 seconds, you can't benefit from both at the same time. However they you can get them one after each other and in the past seconds while you can't get them start casting only wrath.
3. Mage spells
Mage abilities come in three schools of magic: Arcane, Fire, and Frost, which are usually affected by their tree's respective talents. Mage spells are also usually delineated by their purpose: direct damage, area of effect damage, and utility. Mages are also the only class with the ability to teleport themselves or their group members to the variety of the capital cities.
The spells themselves can be classified quite easily by the school they are in. Most Fire spells will have the purpose of heavily damaging an opponent, while the majority of Frost spells are weaker, but usually with an inherent snare built in, which allows them a greater modicum of control. Arcane consists of many of the utility spells, while also supporting either of the other trees through the usage of talent trained abilities.
The diffrent specs will require a diffrent rtotation but mostly on fire you cast Fireball and Pyroblast (when it becomes instant cast spell). On frost your primary spell is Frostbolt and Frostfire bolt, however frost isn't pve spec so it is not recommended while fighting vs encounter. And on arcane you should use Arcane Blast, Arcane Barrage and Arcane Missles.
With the right talents on fire you should use your Molten Armor and on Arcane - Magic Armor to save your mana.
4. Shaman Abilities
Nearly all of the Shaman's abilities are mana-based and are split into three disciplines:
Elemental which focus lies on the shaman's offensive spell casting abilities. It increasing their damage and critical strike chance.
Enhancement spells include those which increase your melee damage output and your chance to survive.
Restoration Includes healing capability, reducing the casting time and mana cost of healing spells, while increasing their effectiveness.
Shamans hold one of the most important buffs used in raids - Bloodlust. It increases all party members cast speed and attack speed by 30% for 45 seconds.
Anyway shamans don't have an exact rotation. Every of their spells is more efective in certain situations. Their most powerfull damage dealing spell on elemental vs single target is Lava Burst. To be more effective use all the time Flame shock on your target which wil increase Lava Burst damage. The problem is that it has a long cooldown and for this in the other time most players cast Lightning Bolt.